Friday, December 30, 2005
godd*** you half japanese girls tiny emo boys
rob (1:54:34 PM): and i actually don't hate what they have
rob (1:54:45 PM): but i think the problem is when i go to the stores they never have anything my size
rob (1:55:08 PM): like i'll read the tag and it'll say Size: M****** ***
me (1:58:36 PM): yes
me (1:58:37 PM): hahahahah
me (1:58:40 PM): size: emo boy
me (1:58:41 PM): hahaha
me (1:58:48 PM): not that he is emo but you know. they are TINY
Sunday, December 25, 2005
christmassss: musings on this day
however, i am so over the crowded malls and the crazies doing last minute shopping. people. i hate you. get some TIME MANAGEMENT!!
however, if i may mention, i didn't get a stuffed animal penguin... any takers?
over and out.
Friday, December 23, 2005
perfect posture but you're barely scraping by
i must be having some serious abandonment issues, cos the other night, i nightmared that nicole richie (who was my then-best friend.. don't ask) ditched me after she ditched her ex-fiance djAM. i vaguely recall having a weird dream like two weeks ago that involved paris being my best friend also.
why is it that i get celebutantes guest-starring in my dreams? it's really annoying. i can't dream about seth cohen? like, there is no proper dialogue either.
this s*** is bananas. or maybe i need to stop reading so much celebrity gossip.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
i liked you a whole lot better before you became a myspace...
the funniest profile name i saw on myspace yesterday-- "why is everyone at the disco?"
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
haven't you heard that i'm the new cancer/ never looked better, and you can't stand it
mandy (2:00:23 AM): i would like
mandy (2:00:30 AM): point and swear at it for a while or something.
mandy (2:00:36 AM): GOD D**** YOU, LEUKEMIA!! >:o
i even stared inside the bottles for awhile, almost expecting some life-size leukemia cancer cell to come jumping out at me and start stabbing me with something sharp. though nothing of that sort happened.. i did wonder if you ingested that stuff, could you get cancer? the answer: the second you ingested it, your body's immune system would kill the cells, because your body recognizes that they aren't yours. which is why cancer is not contagious. this is the oversimplified explanation.
thank you for listening.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
pink is the new blog and trent is my new hero
flyer won't upload very nicely, so it's here.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
leave my skeptic side
i would've taken pictures of my emo face alongside the real ones but my sister didn't really want to comply.. it'll happen someday soon.
i'm all j.e.w.-ed out.. tomorrow!
Monday, November 28, 2005
what's the worst you take from every heart you break
i'm always torn between my favorite though. gerard? mikey? frankie? uh. yea.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
i'm the queen of apologies
umm yea if you clicky around the rest of the site, just to warn you, some of it ranges from semi-NSFW to very NSFW (ie. boobs). now all my guy friends are going to the site. you're welcome.
also, my lil bro rob rules so hard he will rock your face off.
purevolume. myspace.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
all right, mr. demille, i'm ready for my close-up
in related news, jake gyllenhaal has the most adorable freakin puggle ever. EVER. (source:

name the movie that my blog title is from and i'll give you a sticker. but no lancome juicy tubes lip gloss, b/c that's mine.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
back to california
visiting japan with my dad and being with my auntie, uncle, and cousins + their kids, made me realize how lucky people are to even have a few relatives/family where they are. they get to take family trips to see each other, or spend weekends being spoiled by their grandmother who feeds them everything their mom won't-- potato chips, pizza, and cup-o-noodles (kappu ramen in japanese).
my friends are my family.
Monday, November 14, 2005
decide if it's done with purpose or lack thereof
-slept until 12pm.
-checked the cobrasnake site for pictures of hilary duff.
-tried to explain to mell what a hipster is.
-found out that analog rebels has photos from the sounds' SF show.
-licked three envelopes.
-thought about going to the post office and got lazy.
-talked to my sister.
-bought tickets for gimme shelter.
GIMME SHELTER '05 will take place Monday December 12th at The Roxy. Presented by KCRW and Nic Harcourt's "Morning Becomes Eclectic" all money raised will go to both the Pediatric Cancer Research fund and to the New West Charter School in West LA. Confirmed acoustic performances by Lucinda Williams, Andrew McMahon (Jacks Mannequin and Something Corporate), Phantom Planet, Trevor Hall, Majorie Fair and more surprise acts TBA. Listen to KCRW for more details. Tickets are available through all Ticketmaster outlets and the Roxy Box Office (day of show only at Roxy box office).yea andrew mcmahon is worthy of bolding and italicizing.
things i still need to do:
-pack for nihon.
-pick up one of those disposable digital cameras.
-talk to my sister.
things i'll never do:
-figure out what is going on with my life.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
it takes more than a heartbeat to get me
overheard: "i thought, oh, they look like cute swedes, and then i realized they were just hipsters."
the next morning: horribly sore. body. legs. i'm getting old..
obligatory freakin adorable baby penguin photo:
can you tell i'm procrastinating?
Saturday, November 12, 2005
moral of the story: if your mom tells you to brush your hair, do it.
ps. i love my mom. your mom is pretty cool too.
ps2. nice going cal. 28-3 in the third quarter. 35-10 by the end. hah.
Friday, November 11, 2005
i'm not your star
Thursday, November 10, 2005
feliz cumpleaƱos
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
(do your part to save the scene and stop going to shows)
Friday, November 04, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
she said "why don't you just drop dead"
if i were a cartoon, i would be a chicken.. and when i start spazzing, i'd run around the room and when i've worked myself into a sufficient frenzy.. i'd explode into a little "poof" of feathers. it's a lot funnier in my head than the way i'm telling it here..
Monday, October 31, 2005
"school spirit is so not rocknroll"
next order of the day: what is everyone doing for halloween?
things that i've heard about:
-WeHo Carnaval
-irene is baking halloween themed cookies. cookie??
-nintendo fusion tour (fall out boy/ the starting line/ panic! at the disco/ motion city soundtrack/ boys night out) @ uci bren events. sold out. blegh.
-be undead a la mcr because i. heart. them.
Friday, October 21, 2005
we're not snobs.. we're just better than you
guy wearing white usc sweater walks by.
group of losers: hahaha look at that guy in the sweater. *shouts* USC SUCKS!!! USC SUCKS!!!
other half of group of losers: OJ! OJ! OJ!
there are several things wrong with this:
1. that is SO 1990s.
2. even still, OJ won a heisman. (source: vanessa)
3. um.. you're just jealous?
4. you're ugly too.
5. who cares if we're quote-unquote overrated? hmm.. i don't see your school at #1 in the rankings either.
6. we're actually not just about football.. some of us are kind of smart too.
yea, i've turned into one of those crazed school-spirited.. people.
**ps: i'm not that much of a UCLA hater. UCLA is a fine institution for higher education. but this shirt was tres funny, no?
tis hard work, being number 1.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
you're a regular decorated emergency
me (10:56:26 AM): *mentally sets him on fire*
mell (10:56:41 AM): hahahahaha
Sunday, October 16, 2005
your wishes washed away
me (10:57:01 PM): it's raining
mell (10:57:37 PM): the world is ending
me (10:57:43 PM): yes it is
Sunday, October 09, 2005
smile like you mean it
there are just some people who never fail to make you smile, regardless of what kind of funky mood you are in, regardless of any circumstance/situation. i'm so lucky to have people like that as friends. i heart you guys.
other things that make me smile:
baby penguins
hearing my chem's helena on the radio
songs about california in the summer
seeing friends on the video board during sc football game
my teen vogue
finding out there's a pr firm called MAO PR. there's even a MAO MAG!
last thing (stolen from j.chan's profile): some people are like Slinkies... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
you've lied like a lawyer

something to think about.. thanks a lot, david :P. and thanks heather for the link!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
i'm far too unstable to settle
so, i am coming out on this blog and saying i truly am crazy. this is mainly because i obsess over things (usually music, but it can be boys, coach purses, shoes, my ipodmini, celeb. gossip, penguins... also, i do, on occassion, enjoy being learned) then i get bored really fast and switch around between the obsessions. i noticed the spasticism early on because my mom and i clash a lot over that-- because we're both inherently spastic. there are a lot of times we end up kind of shrieking at each other, and then we don't even know why we're yelling/angry. we just are. spastic, that is. i don't know where my obsessive nature comes from, but i'm sure there's some great explanation stemming from a childhood experience just waiting to manifest itself.
but i'm fun, i swear.
ps. i just bought $150 worth of cds today at tower and best buy. i'm going to need to start selling my organs at this rate. any takers? (i only need one kidney right?)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
the system is down. the system is down.
also remember:
Transitive Butt Property:
stupid (butt) > stupid (head)
gives a whole new meaning to the expression "smartass."
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
in this state i shall not remain
Sunday, September 25, 2005
"blog.. i am your father"
rob is also well-known for his many talents. he played high school football. he's an enginerd (aka smarter than you). he plays the keyboard, piano, drums, geetar, and taiko (japanese drums). for a small fee, he will teach you how to DJ + spin the ones and twos. he doesn't sing on command unless severly/slightly intoxicated. he's pretty funny. and he speaks australian!! (that is totally a foreign language to me. must learn how to speak it. no, i'm not retarded. it's called sarcasm.) if anyone wants to date him.. contact me. i'll give you all the stalker 411.
rob (11:58:14 PM): hey its an important life decision [re: starting a blog]
me (12:01:54 AM): yes, like deciding to get pregnant
rob (12:05:53 AM): i never thought i'd ever see or hear "blog" and "pregnant" in the same conversation
me (12:06:05 AM): hahaha
me (12:06:13 AM): my blog is pregnant and you are the father!!!
me (12:06:20 AM): "blog.. i am your father"
me (12:06:23 AM): "NOOOO"
rob (12:08:39 AM): you know i don't usually do this...
rob (12:08:45 AM): but i'm gonna put that on my profile
me (12:11:07 AM): okay i now realize that what i said was funnier than i thought
rob (12:11:29 AM): yeah i seriously LOL'ed on that one
rob (12:11:32 AM): seriously.
me (12:11:41 AM): oh god..
me (12:11:43 AM): i think i'm dying
me (12:11:50 AM): AHSKHDHGLH
me (12:11:56 AM): i mean literally
me (12:12:05 AM): i'm trying to imagine an IMPREGNATED BLOG
rob (12:12:13 AM): what would the kids look like?
me (12:12:14 AM): i might need to start one called that too
me (12:12:31 AM): i have.. no idea.
rob (12:12:49 AM): if they look anything like me im gonna be pissed
rob (12:13:24 AM): if you do start your impregnated blog, you need to put this convo on it
i want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk
Friday, Oct 21 Copeland, Daphne Loves Derby, Melee, The Spill Canvas, plus Special Guests
6:00 PM $20.00 Tickets Onsale This Sunday, Sep 25 10:00AM
it's confirmed on the copeland and the spill canvas sites..
special guest: the one person more emo than mao (i know. how is it possible, but. you know. britney had a baby. weird things are possible) BRIGHT EYES
um. yea. and i must confess-- i bought the tickets first before posting. then again, has had it up for awhile.. and their readership is like, five hundred gazillion.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
welcome to the tragic kingdom
"When your science teacher smashed a frozen rose with a hammer, did you warm the petals to bring them back to life?
no. i cried because it was so tragic."
Friday, September 23, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
if i was a ghost, i would visit your house
since i've pretty much killed the
Cordelia: Hey! You think I'm never lonely because I'm so cute and popular? I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone. It's not like any of them really know me. I don't even know if they like me half the time. People just want to be in a popular zone. Sometimes when I talk, everyone's so busy agreeing with me, they don't hear a word I say.
Buffy: Well, if you feel so alone, then why do you work so hard at being popular?
Cordelia: Well, it beats being alone all by please make a large mental sticky note that says that while i do enjoy emo.. i'm mocking it. please. i'm not seriously emo. only sometimes.