Wednesday, November 30, 2005

leave my skeptic side

japan is so funny. apparently, kuromi is the "evil" version of my melody. i bought two of these (one for sis, one for myself) based on our personalities. i'm the far left (sort of evil/conniving-- the one i bought).. sometimes the far right (pissed off-- the one i did not buy; in retrospect i should've just spent the danged yen and bought it). the happy-go-lucky middle one is my sister.

i would've taken pictures of my emo face alongside the real ones but my sister didn't really want to comply.. it'll happen someday soon.

i'm all j.e.w.-ed out.. tomorrow!

Monday, November 28, 2005

what's the worst you take from every heart you break

all play and no work makes mao a very productive blogger.

i'm always torn between my favorite though. gerard? mikey? frankie? uh. yea.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

i'm the queen of apologies

last night's party- photos of the sounds in NY.

umm yea if you clicky around the rest of the site, just to warn you, some of it ranges from semi-NSFW to very NSFW (ie. boobs). now all my guy friends are going to the site. you're welcome.

also, my lil bro rob rules so hard he will rock your face off.
purevolume. myspace.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

all right, mr. demille, i'm ready for my close-up

i was in the bathroom of st. nick's with kirsten "kiki" dunst.
in related news, jake gyllenhaal has the most adorable freakin puggle ever. EVER. (source:
(i wouldn't mind being that dog)

name the movie that my blog title is from and i'll give you a sticker. but no lancome juicy tubes lip gloss, b/c that's mine.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

back to california

it's a funny concept now that i think about it, not having real family over in the states. i never gave it much thought because i always considered it "normal" that i didn't have relatives here to turn to or to spend the holidays with.. or to visit on weekends and on vacation. i guess you can't "miss" what you didn't know you didn't have.

visiting japan with my dad and being with my auntie, uncle, and cousins + their kids, made me realize how lucky people are to even have a few relatives/family where they are. they get to take family trips to see each other, or spend weekends being spoiled by their grandmother who feeds them everything their mom won't-- potato chips, pizza, and cup-o-noodles (kappu ramen in japanese).

my friends are my family.

Monday, November 14, 2005

decide if it's done with purpose or lack thereof

things i did today:
-slept until 12pm.
-checked the cobrasnake site for pictures of hilary duff.
-tried to explain to mell what a hipster is.
-found out that analog rebels has photos from the sounds' SF show.
-licked three envelopes.
-thought about going to the post office and got lazy.
-talked to my sister.
-bought tickets for gimme shelter.

GIMME SHELTER '05 will take place Monday December 12th at The Roxy. Presented by KCRW and Nic Harcourt's "Morning Becomes Eclectic" all money raised will go to both the Pediatric Cancer Research fund and to the New West Charter School in West LA. Confirmed acoustic performances by Lucinda Williams, Andrew McMahon (Jacks Mannequin and Something Corporate), Phantom Planet, Trevor Hall, Majorie Fair and more surprise acts TBA. Listen to KCRW for more details. Tickets are available through all Ticketmaster outlets and the Roxy Box Office (day of show only at Roxy box office).
yea andrew mcmahon is worthy of bolding and italicizing.

things i still need to do:
-pack for nihon.
-pick up one of those disposable digital cameras.
-talk to my sister.

things i'll never do:
-figure out what is going on with my life.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

it takes more than a heartbeat to get me

spotted: crazy adorable dancing swedes + all my favorite new line people + really skinny attractive hipster boys/ sexuality questionable due to overwhelming dancing skills

overheard: "i thought, oh, they look like cute swedes, and then i realized they were just hipsters."

the next morning: horribly sore. body. legs. i'm getting old..

obligatory freakin adorable baby penguin photo:

can you tell i'm procrastinating?

Saturday, November 12, 2005


true story: my mom asked me if i brushed my hair today. i told her i hadn't done it in at least 3 months, maybe even 6, since it makes the blonde hair break. plus, i can't remember the last time i straightened it. i look at all the pictures within the past 1/2 year ish and it's in a constant state of bedhead. i liked it. but i brushed my hair anyway because my mom puts up with all my other shit (aka random fits of spastic-ity).

moral of the story: if your mom tells you to brush your hair, do it.
ps. i love my mom. your mom is pretty cool too.
ps2. nice going cal. 28-3 in the third quarter. 35-10 by the end. hah.

Friday, November 11, 2005

i'm not your star

lately i've been finding really stupid reasons to blog.. but today is 11/11 11:11pm. so.. make a wish.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

feliz cumpleaƱos

happy birthday to margarita who is uber-nerding it at emory.. carson daly says hi.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

(do your part to save the scene and stop going to shows)

some of my "scene" stuff will be re-routed to the scene mafia blog. kicky info about the sounds is on there and here.

Friday, November 04, 2005

mao plus one

any fans of mashups want to come with? i have a +1 (thanks pete!)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

she said "why don't you just drop dead"

it's been a crazy week (or so- ish), but i'm back on the blogger bandwagon and ready to make some meaningful/meaningless posts again.

if i were a cartoon, i would be a chicken.. and when i start spazzing, i'd run around the room and when i've worked myself into a sufficient frenzy.. i'd explode into a little "poof" of feathers. it's a lot funnier in my head than the way i'm telling it here..