and would you miss me when you get there?syn·chro·nic·i·ty (n.) pl. syn·chro·nic·i·ties
a word created by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the alignment of "universal forces" with the life experiences of an individual. Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidences were not merely due to chance, but instead reflected the creation of an event or circumstance by the "co-inciding" or alignment of such forces. (thanks, wikipedia)
things happen/ or don't happen.. for a reason. had i gone to law school this past year, i wouldn't have:
1) done the whole photo thing.
2) made amazing friends who were just as insane about concerts as i am. jm whores = stds.
3) caught up with old friends.
4) traveled. period.
5) learned to enjoy the life of a lazy bum.
6) hung out with my mom so much. YA RLY my mom would def. be in my top 8. if she knew what myspace was.
basically, there's a lot more. but it's late, and i'm lame. and all this self-reflection etc. is getting tiring.
ps. started the baby panda photos (finally). so yall can stop hating me ;) hopefully, i'll be done pre-IA. sneak peek!
how cute is that panda ass.