Saturday, April 22, 2006

panda! at the national zoo (dc)

this is back from feb w/ angie, btw. on the way there...

DAD.let the cuteness begin. vomiting b/c of cuteness overload is completely optional. but recommended.

blogger is weird and is making the last photo really big.

me (8:34:47 PM): yeaaa let's go to the zoo! before i go to lame school
irene (8:36:13 PM): haha you are totally going to start telling people you just started 'lame school' to be a 'lamer'
me (8:37:25 PM): i should
me (8:37:26 PM): hahah
irene (8:39:20 PM): hi im mao and i'm in lame school. i'd really like to do entertainment lame.

baby panda climbs tree: when i get back.

if you could go anywhere right now,
where would you go?

and would you miss me when you get there?

syn·chro·nic·i·ty (n.) pl. syn·chro·nic·i·ties
a word created by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the alignment of "universal forces" with the life experiences of an individual. Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidences were not merely due to chance, but instead reflected the creation of an event or circumstance by the "co-inciding" or alignment of such forces. (thanks, wikipedia)

things happen/ or don't happen.. for a reason. had i gone to law school this past year, i wouldn't have:
1) done the whole photo thing.
2) made amazing friends who were just as insane about concerts as i am. jm whores = stds.
3) caught up with old friends.
4) traveled. period.
5) learned to enjoy the life of a lazy bum.
6) hung out with my mom so much. YA RLY my mom would def. be in my top 8. if she knew what myspace was.
basically, there's a lot more. but it's late, and i'm lame. and all this self-reflection etc. is getting tiring.

ps. started the baby panda photos (finally). so yall can stop hating me ;) hopefully, i'll be done pre-IA. sneak peek!

how cute is that panda ass.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

they said we'd burn so bright,
we'd burn this city and go

since this is summer is my very very last hurrah before the big l-school begins in august.. i am contemplating (seriously) the following shows:

-05.20 jm @ ucr*
-05.23 jm @ slim's in SF
-06.09 jm/oar LA*
-06.10 jm/oar SD
-06.15 warped MD
-06.?? live 105's bfd in SF
-07.06 warped SD
-07.07 warped pomona
-07.08 panic! playing summerfest in milwaukee, WI
-07.09 jm playing summerfest in milwaukee, WI
-07.11 warped ventura
-07.12 warped LA
-07.15 jm/oar chicago
-07.16 jm/oar st.louis
-08.03-08.10 warped east coastttt
*no duh, i'll be at these. hahah

and then apparently i have orientation august 14-19th ish. at which point my life.. basically ends. at least, my social life. i probably should like, pretend that i'm going to do whatever assigned reading i get. no one even likes reading.. except me.

i'm almost done reading necessary dreams. it's pretty interesting stuff.

sorry, that was a boring post. more photos soon, i promise.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

pictures of success

april 3rd, jack's mannequin @ irving plaza. hanging out with east coast and middle east (haha) friends. making new friends. saving jm's tour bus' parking spot. watching gumby get pwned and feeling the rain pour down on new york city.

my photos on, thanks to angie!
ps. editing these photos was like giving birth. brutal. labor. of. love.
ps2. yes, this is a myspace blog dual post.