Wednesday, September 21, 2005

if i was a ghost, i would visit your house

so. here it is. my foray into sharing my emo-tastic-isity with the rest of the e-world. given my fickle nature, this blog could include, but is not limited to: becoming a full on rant blog (which would be pretty emo).. or i could post pictures i take with my crappy $100 digital camera-- probably a lot of emo ones that show me looking off into the distance and/or looking pissed (but hopefully not). i may also whine excessively about things i can't change, like "why are all the good ones gay?" i try avoid writing too much because the world can't handle that much emo. and if you can't handle it.. please shut up and suck it up (though you could probably say the same to me.. scratch that). please understand that i'm a nutcase and you really don't need to read my words.

since i've pretty much killed the emao emo word in the last paragraph.. i will leave you with a quote from cordelia and buffy:

Cordelia: Hey! You think I'm never lonely because I'm so cute and popular? I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone. It's not like any of them really know me. I don't even know if they like me half the time. People just want to be in a popular zone. Sometimes when I talk, everyone's so busy agreeing with me, they don't hear a word I say.

Buffy: Well, if you feel so alone, then why do you work so hard at being popular?

Cordelia: Well, it beats being alone all by yourself.

ps. please make a large mental sticky note that says that while i do enjoy emo.. i'm mocking it. please. i'm not seriously emo. only sometimes.


b said...

mao is eeeeeeeeeeeeemo.

this blog will probably consist of your (many) rants (i'm not knocking it, i do that myself), raves about shows (since that's all you do), and pictures of your UMP face (i'm kidding. you're pretty [insert mean comment here]).

Anonymous said...

Mao cmon... donnn't lie.. your more emo than emo itself...
oh by the way chris carrabba called.. he said he wanted his emoness back.. haha stupid joke...yes i know! well i will have to keep up to date on these mao blogs! haha back to the stalking it is! booya