Sunday, January 22, 2006

my lil sis k10 and i: mfeo

on with the inundation of IM convos:
k10(9:59:01 PM): ralph and i brought the dog.
me (9:59:08 PM): i like dogs
me (9:59:13 PM): i almost typed i like "god"
k10(9:59:17 PM): haha
k10(9:59:21 PM): you love god.
me (9:59:28 PM): yea. right.
k10(9:59:28 PM): wait.
me (9:59:33 PM): only when he gives me coach things.
k10(9:59:36 PM): haha yes
k10(9:59:42 PM): especially then.
me (9:59:49 PM): i am bff with god.
k10(9:59:52 PM): y didn't u go to the game game?
me (10:00:11 PM): umm b/c i don't like football unless it involves matt leinart..
me (10:00:13 PM): in tights?
k10(10:00:13 PM): can he get me hook-ups with gucci?
k10(10:00:27 PM): really? i'm more a of a [reggie] bush gal myself.
me (10:00:37 PM): well the tights are key
me (10:00:40 PM): dude, they closed down the store for god the other day.

in other news, my real/blood little sister finished her inspo this week. AND had her formals. geez they are incredibly time efficient.


Devilish Angel said... time efficient a euphemism for easy program?

b said...

also, i like how you put "real/blood little sister." that is what you have to say....

hey, where's my sticker you owe me. heh heh

xmaox said...

sticker- remind me.

i'm okay with easy program.. as long as they aren't "easy" in general. harhar. yea cos then i'd have to stab my sister in the face.