Tuesday, February 28, 2006

build god, then we'll talk.

jenny (12:44:05 AM): when i [flew out for] dec. 2nd i sat next to a priest and i was like IS THIS A JOKE GOD
jenny (12:44:22 AM): i thought the plane was going down the minute i saw him
and then..
jenny (12:45:32 AM): he said a prayer before we took off
jenny (12:45:35 AM): i was like stoppppp.

Monday, February 27, 2006

md part deux. 2.11.06

earlier in the day it was misting..
here's the church that may or may not be haunted.
photo taken from angie's car.. "turn where the trees form an arch"

snow f*ckin pretty.
right outside of angie's house.parking lot.

right outside of giant cos walmart didn't have salt and vinegar pringles. i ate them all.
however.. walmart did carry star crunch. note to self- not an appropriate breakfast food.in conclusion: snow falling from the sky was how i imagined it. pretty. fluffy. white. glorious. the factor i forgot to include was the extreme cold. plus it melts (apparently it's made out of water, similiar to rain).. but basically, that was my photolog of the first snowfall i've ever seen. more photos of the next day (aftermath of snow + dc at night).. coming up.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

a knight's tale

so way back on the 10th on feb., angie + i went medieval at the medieval times in maryland. incidentally, i also saw a knight's tale for the first time when i was over there yonder on the east coast. haha

firstly, meet our knight. he won all of the competitions and crap but got cheated out of winning. anyhow, he was hot. part-orlando-bloom-ish hawt.

above the fireplace. fire.
apparently there's a storyline involving the princess and a king and some knights. i don't actually know what was going on. something something uncle dying, finding a husband for the princess, somethingsomething. between the food (sans utensils), the phototaking, the gawking at hot knight boy.. i don't know what happened, really.

the king.

someone. if i can't remember, he must've been unimportant.if you can't tell by the next three pictures.. i'm obsessed with lighting. (so the photos might suck, but c'mon.. the lights are GORGEOUS) the king + his daughter conversing. or something.

falconry. i hope that's a word.

back to our hot knight-dude.

finally, this crazy sorcerer dude who was prophesizing. betrayal. something. remind me to never post this late, cos my captions suck.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

snails see the benefits, the beauty in every inch

9:30 club photos are done (since daniel is waiting with "bated breath"). photos of knights, snow, and baby panda are next.

balloons or no balloons?

Monday, February 20, 2006

i'll still say that you shine brighter than anyone

me (12:38:47 AM): one day someone is going to kick me in the face and be like "you stupid grammar whore"
mell (12:42:14 AM): except they are going to type: 'you stupid grammer whore'
mell (12:42:18 AM): and then you'll start laughing again

Friday, February 17, 2006

cliffs notes should hire me

they made (at least) FOUR spelling/grammar mistakes in their great gatsby notes. RIDIC.
**yes, i am nerdily enraged.

"calculus and alcohol don't mix.
don't drink and derive."

i wake up to find an email from margarita.
"invitation to a grad school party" she says. so i read on.

Starfleet log 30033:

Saturday 18th February

The resident alien party

At Clairmont xxxx

Tired of their splendid isolation in the towering blocks of Carthusian Clairmont, the resident aliens will have decided to throw a cross-border Grand Unified Dorm Room Shindig, generating quantum levels of chaos and multiple dimensions of interactions between varying and variable cultures, species and philosophical persuasions , and resulting in several theoretically possible levels of enjoyment.

Shall you have decided to join them?

Find out next weekend.

Inebriating substances of all kinds, preferably chemically configured for carbon-based species, are to be found to be much appreciated. Other friendly aliens will have been welcome.

Achtung!: Calculus and alcohol don't mix. Don't drink and derive.
basically, these people are my heroes. along with marg, of course.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

i don't know, forreals

safely returned from snowy eastcoast/dc area. coming up (once i stop being lazy and actually attempt to go thru my photos): photos of knights, snow in maryland, tai/p!atd/hgb/acceptance at 9:30 club, and BABY GIANT PANDA TAI SHAN (whom, regretfully, i was unable to pandanap at the time, since there are pandacams everywhere).

the glory that was yesterday (single's awareness day was the BEST-- no sarcasm whatsoever).
after going out for a late night snack to fatburger with julian (and later joined by peter, keyan, keyan's girlfriend, then running into adam lerner), justin gordon texts me at 12:30.
justin: happy v day. miss ya
me: thanks sweetie- 25 minutes too late though tsk tsk
justin: ass

HAHA i love boys.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

there is no suitable title for this one.

just thought i'd blog it so the non-myspacers could see it too. i'm basically geeking out, hxc.
mell, i'll send you the hi-res so you can print it out and make a poster or something crazy.

i could pull all sorts of jacksmannequinisms/socoisms now since i'm jetsettin' off to (possibly) snowy DC to hang out with angie + experience the craziness that is "the crew".. but i thought maybe i should exercise some restraint.

ps. i love genevieve, b/c she instigated it all at yellowcard/mae.
basically having the best YEAR ever. don't forget to smile.

Monday, February 06, 2006

west in venice (photoadventure from friday)

i need a pedicure. graffiti-ed pathway (btw there's graffiti on the trees too). it was foggy and the palm trees look depressed.
pathway pt. 2 b+w
thought this was funny.
cute, though he misspelled minute. but i love the words: "it's said love only comes around once, but if you believe in butterflies, that's once a day, once an hour, once a mintue (sp), once every second, once a breath. love is endless, it was once said." emo tear.
i met a kitty. i stalkerazzi-ed a cat!
pretty colors and a kickass name.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

so come and dance with me, michael..

[[franz ferdinand vs. electric 6 – michael goes to san francisco (dj jay-r mashup). get it and love it.]]

yesterday, hannah, sarita and i went to the roxy + then to the gorgeous gay bar, the abbey. the decor is abs. amazing. i took a photo of this crazy light fixture hanging above one of the indoor bars.

the parents bought me a cakey for my bday.

hannah and i go photoadventuring tomorrow. more later.

dan of augustana- usc ground zero 01.27.06 Posted by Picasa

jared of augustana- usc ground zero 01.27.06 Posted by Picasa