Friday, February 17, 2006

"calculus and alcohol don't mix.
don't drink and derive."

i wake up to find an email from margarita.
"invitation to a grad school party" she says. so i read on.

Starfleet log 30033:

Saturday 18th February

The resident alien party

At Clairmont xxxx

Tired of their splendid isolation in the towering blocks of Carthusian Clairmont, the resident aliens will have decided to throw a cross-border Grand Unified Dorm Room Shindig, generating quantum levels of chaos and multiple dimensions of interactions between varying and variable cultures, species and philosophical persuasions , and resulting in several theoretically possible levels of enjoyment.

Shall you have decided to join them?

Find out next weekend.

Inebriating substances of all kinds, preferably chemically configured for carbon-based species, are to be found to be much appreciated. Other friendly aliens will have been welcome.

Achtung!: Calculus and alcohol don't mix. Don't drink and derive.
basically, these people are my heroes. along with marg, of course.

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