kay pix. and commentary. when i get the full sets posted, i'll announce. for now, i just posted the jack's photos here in my gallery. thx for your patience.
[cobra starship - ipayone center - december 9, 2006]
GABE. love him. [jack's mannequin - ipayone center - december 9, 2006]
fyi: andrew and jay are having a facial hair growing contest.fyi: i just made that up.BOB. i'd post more but that was all the facial hair i could handle in one post.
[panic! at the disco - ipayone center - december 9, 2006]
everyone, plz meet my bf ryan ross. we're getting married, he just doesn't know.
you may recognize him as the guitarist for panic! at the disco. he also plays the drumz in the drumline.
just some dude named brendon who sings. dance, dance.yes, we get it. you're grabbing your crotch. awk shot.FYI: all the ryrolove commentary that i write.. is just for lolz. so no hateration, no "he's my bb, not urs!!" ummm yea. right. besides, i know better than to try to date a musician. but that kid is the epitome of adorable. i could fangirl for all eternity but i'll stop now.
alllrighty. goodnight.
Can I get some cobras with that?
one side order of cobras, coming right up.
whoever said school is cool obvi wasn't talking about law school. b/c it's not. at all.
umm in other news, i still love ryanross kthx.
uhm mao. sry2say but he IS my bb.
lolz jk we can share. i looooooove the pix!!!
yay we can share.
when i read the first line i was like "WHO IS DIS BIATCH" and then i was like. oh hey, rhonda.
BBs for life.
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