Wednesday, February 28, 2007

i just LOLdied.

ps. guess who wins at life? monty are i.
their myspace default photo? mine. holla.
friend them and comment the other pix pls. and go see them live because they. will. slay. you.

Friday, February 23, 2007

but nobody said that you are so la

reasons why i love will tell:
1. overture
2. he tapes fake dead-looking birds to his shoulder for his pirate-themed birthday party.
3. his blogs are amusing. whimsical. like how he didn't wear socks to a grammy party and how he couldn't find the pants that went with his suit for his friend's wedding.
4. on he looks like he just woke up.
5. bonus reason: attractive muchhhhh.

AND BONUS ROUND (lists ftw):
five things you may not have known about me (thx daniel)
1. i've seriously considered converting to judaism.. but only because i really want to have a bat mitzvah. or at least attend a real one. someone invite me plz.
2. sometimes, i can drink a can of sugar-free redbull, and then immediately fall asleep.
3. i don't kill spiders. bad karma.
4. i've been to over 20 states. (for friends and shows!)
5. i love the outline, but outlining for class is the bane of my existence.

tagging these 5 people: respond (in the comments)/post (in yr own blog) or die.
1. elisa
2. angie
3. up down on the ground
4. vanessa
5. mell


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

you've wrung me out too, too, too many times

cold war kids on kroq.
have they been playing them earlier? jeez. louise. i had to sit in my driveway and stay in there for the whole song. kinda felt the same way when i heard them playing shiny toy guns on there too.

just woke up from a nap with a huuuuge headache. wheee

Monday, February 19, 2007

i've got that lefty curse

so saturday was the tai video shoot for "we've got a big mess on our hands." i (barely) got there on time after work, and then of course they told us we weren't scene enough. we cried and cried and william beckett came out with boxes of puppies and gave us each one. i also won a flatiron so i could be more "pretty" from now on. personally, i think i win the award for "least scene out of the 70 people there." maybe it has to do with law school. anyhow.

aside from the puppies and the flatiron (joke btw), just a lot of waiting around. saw the dudes get made up. william made faces while he got prettified. met and friended two sweet girls who had driven out from arizona that morning (6 hrs, like socal to norcal). bad beckett tried to attack us from the stage but carden blocked him with his geetar so he saved us. it was pretty noble. acted excited in front of a green screen? i left at 4:30pm, but i guess pete wentz had showed up and later everyone got pix aotp.

then i ran a few errands with my sister, came home, and slept for (honestly) the next 14 hours. i thought i could pull off a nap from 8-9pm but i ended up waking up the next morning at 10am. sweetness.

i don't know how i feel about the new dude. wasn't on his side most of the time but he seems very european (ya i know he's australian). w/e. i bought a tomrad print off of his photo site ( which makes me pretty happy. i just need more money now. oh, and if someone wouldn't mind doing my writing assignment for wednesday, i would be totes happy.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

i'm an addict for dramatics, i confuse the two for love

adam lazzara (tbs) proposed to chauntelle dupree (eisley) on vday. cuteness to the max. more here.

andddd i'm going to go cry now. there goes my shot with adam. (okay srsly people, that was joke.) all kidding aside. ADAM. YOU ARE AN ATTRACTIVE MAN. AND I RLY LIKE YR BAND.

one more tidbit: patd in sports illustrated musicians&models issue here. wtf. bden, plz wax those eyebrows. i just don't understand them. and whose bright idea was it to put ryro next to the model? is it b/c he's tallish? he just looks INCREDIBLY awk standing there. OH AND I MIGHT AS WELL CONFESS MY LOVE FOR RYRO NOW TOO. RYRO. YOU'RE AN ADORABLE MAN/BOY. AND I RLY LIKE YR BAND.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

long live the car crash hearts

what is it with me and making every blog title a fall out boy song? idk but i can't stop listening to that album. i'm kinda overrrr this ain't a scene and carpal tunnel, but loveloveloving thriller, the take over the break's over, i'm like a lawyer (maybe some subconcious-connection-with-the-title much?), hum hallelujah and the (after) life of the party.

and apparently on perez hilton, it was a big deal that p33t says in blender that he's kissed boys? um. didn't we already know this. late much.

photos from sf (full album here):i've said it twice already, but i'll say it again. sometimes i catch myself staring at my photos and thinking jon looks pretty good. and then i remember it's jon. and then i kick myself. haha

okay, now i'm really going to study. forreals.

happy vday, yall. remember that candy is a glorious 50-75% off tomorrow, so stock up!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

we don't fight fair

so all of this non-sleeping has landed me in the sick-kids-club this week. not only have i been sick, i can't seem to get any decent/uninterrupted sleep. major exhaustion. however, i did get some pretty awes stuff in the mail this week, including: my rollingstone (patd cover), my spin (mcr cover), my falloutboy cd and atticus hoodie, the oxford companion to the supreme court of united states which i got a pretty sweet deal on using amazon marketplace (ya, that one, not so fun), anddd my cosmogirl. yay mail.

just a few photos from soma, posted the rest here on my flickr. sf warfield probably during the week/end of the week. contracts midterm friday, wheee..
probably one of my faves ever.. though i wish his face were a little more distinct. too lazy to edit.

Monday, February 05, 2007

she's so lucky, she's a star

gigantic photo update to follow, later this week. i'm done with my memo and i am horribly sleep deprived. but as elisa would say.. "GET SOME SLEEP AND GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK."

i've had an amazing week with all of my besties, favorites (particularly those in spirit, i'll explain later), my baby cam b-o-b, and my favorite bands in the entire world.

la to sd to sj/sf.
in light of recent news:
birthday shoutouts so that even brireland turns around? awesome. birthday hats that are absolutely amazing ;) and friends that are even more amazing. my sharona changed my life. love the outline and srry graham, but i will always give you crap about not liking your band. savannah's birthday video!

west coast winter tour pt 1: sd soma. getting lucky with the photo pass. the nice security guys who let me shoot get back loretta even though i was 5 songs late. the audition lead singer flinging his sweat on me (repeatedly, i might add) + me being grossed out + me telling rhonda, ashley and alee later about the sweat-flinging and they wanted the sweat? what? head automatica beating hearts baby dance party. andrew winking at me when i was all up in his grill. thx. bob went insane (jenny, you're going to love ittt esp. toward the very beginning of the set) and jon did a metalll bass solo. jay mac messing with andrew by talking to him through his hi-hat mics. dark blue drama club was single-handedly resurrected by andrew. i died. superstalkerrr.

west coast winter tour pt 2: sf warfield theatre.
flew into san jose, had lunch, car trip + totes took the BART for the first time into sf! sameeee minus shooting the first three bands. loved the layout of the venue. drinks. SUPER nachos. mmm the show was much more sedate. i think it's a norcal thing? no ridic dancing, but it was still pretty bad. i almost punched a meathead in the face b/c he wouldn't let me through b/c he thought i was trying to like, shove my way up to see the show. NO YOU MORON. IT'S CALLED A PHOTO PASS. a very nice girl with her friend in a wheelchair helped me get out on the way out from the barricade. people never cease to amaze me with their kindness. i miss being on planes!

THE LIGHTING WAS GLORIOUS. s2 owners are going to have a blasty.

so, san diego. i managed to get myself stuck up front/over in front of the right side of the stage, cos i kept having to go up to shoot. basically, a majority of the time, i was alone. but i really didn't feel alone. it was, honestly, the strangest thing ever. the second he started playing last straw (which i hadn't ever seen played live), i almost teared up, and then i realized that's not allowed under the lawyer's code section 102(2)(b). it clearly states that lawyers do not cry. lawyers make people cry. so i stopped myself.

but honestly. the energy was incredible (obviously, as evidenced by andrew's ridiculous dancing). i have this weird habit now of looking out into the crowd while a band is playing just to see what's going on with everyone. and really, seeing everyone smiling and singing the same words.. for that 1 hr or so, we were one. it didn't matter that people were from far away, or locals, or that they were kids, or parents, or crazy emo kids or funky hipster kids. even the kids i don't like at all. we all sang the same songs back to andrew and it was truly touching. i can see why he likes to perform for audiences like that. so i danced around like a loser, sang my off-tuned heart out, and i thought of every single person who i've been fortunate enough to become friends with through this little band and i kept them in my heart so that i wasn't really watching the show alone.. but watching it with everyone and feeling it with everyone.

and at that moment. i was complete. i was alive.
"i feel cradled by this universe and the immense love that comes from it."
that room was my universe. those people held the love in their bodies like vessels... until they opened their mouths and sang and the love. spilled. out.