Wednesday, February 14, 2007

long live the car crash hearts

what is it with me and making every blog title a fall out boy song? idk but i can't stop listening to that album. i'm kinda overrrr this ain't a scene and carpal tunnel, but loveloveloving thriller, the take over the break's over, i'm like a lawyer (maybe some subconcious-connection-with-the-title much?), hum hallelujah and the (after) life of the party.

and apparently on perez hilton, it was a big deal that p33t says in blender that he's kissed boys? um. didn't we already know this. late much.

photos from sf (full album here):i've said it twice already, but i'll say it again. sometimes i catch myself staring at my photos and thinking jon looks pretty good. and then i remember it's jon. and then i kick myself. haha

okay, now i'm really going to study. forreals.

happy vday, yall. remember that candy is a glorious 50-75% off tomorrow, so stock up!!

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