Thursday, June 23, 2011

to live and ride in LA: the real rebels

move over, annoying and loud bikers of the harley-davidson variety. you know who is more punk than you? here's who: non-motorized (of the pedaling with your feet variety; novel idea, i know), environmentally-friendly bike riders. on bikes. with no brakes.

dwell on that for a bit.

i was given the opportunity to preview a screener of to live and ride in LA, a documentary about bikers who race through the streets of LA with, for all intents and purposes, a complete disregard for the rules of traffic-- riding in groups or alone, streaking through the LA riverbed or freeways, doing tricks off of ramps, etc. i don't condone breaking the law (particularly traffic laws, they're for your and the public's safety, sheesh), but the element of breaking these rules makes watching the film all the more thrilling.  there isn't much of a storyline in the beginning; a lot of introductions and profiles, but the film comes together as race day approaches. you see how a pretty diverse group of angelenos (replete with buddy holly glass-wearing and/or bearded and/or pabst blue ribbon-swilling hipsters) come together to live, ride, race, and sometimes party throughout this amazing city i call home.

the soundtrack is droolworthy, btw. heard some willowz (shout out to dim mak records), sea wolf, small black (previously feat. on my blog as one of my favorite videos ever), silversun pickups... for more info on the film and the soundtrack, be sure to drop by their site:


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