Monday, May 01, 2006

anything but ordinary

my week has been one big blur. it usually consisted of sleeping at 2am and waking up at 8am (aka iowa where the two things that did not happen were eating and sleeping).. or not falling asleep until 4:30am and waking up at 9am (once i got home to LA). needless to say, my sanity is probably not at its most stable position right now.

so that was a pretty boring post, but for those of you who know me.. it's been a pretty good week. in honor of lists, here are a few choice phrases/quotes (ps. i stole half this list from jenny, thanks): 1) "stop being superfan, mao.. NO MORE PIXXX"; 2) silverlake vs. venice. advice on not being intimidated by hipsters; 3) "i can do this, i'm good at it"; 4) SUP COURTSHIP; 5) meatsticks.. ; 6) hi-fives; 7) RUDE.

i haven't even gotten to the anaheim part yet.

sneak peek:

in other news, i've got elisa saying "sup" and "awk." it's the end of the world as we know it..

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