Friday, May 05, 2006

ode to traffic. or not.

i don't even know why i don't walk to the gym. i live three blocks away and usually i insist on driving. just. because. the past two days, i've decided i would be dropped off, and would walk back. on my own accord. slowly. for about 7 minutes.

when you walk, things take longer. forces you to physically slow down. that light won't turn green until about 500 cars have whizzed by you, all of them seeming to be intent on blowing you over. when i finally looked around today, as i walked, there are so many things that i realized you never see if you just drive. and in la, that's all we do.

when you drive in traffic, you attempt to block out everything. except maybe the task at hand. and the music. the music always has to be on. but you won't see the little things, like the spiderwebs forming on your neighbor's gate.. or the lemon tree hanging over the sidewalk, heavy with fruit and inticing you with the sweet citrus smell (i almost stole one, but decided it would be tacky). i never realized the neighbor on the corner has a palm tree growing in front of his house.

overexposed and i love it.


Anonymous said...

hello thief. sup pwn pic. later nightmares

b said...

you are soooooo lazy