Saturday, April 22, 2006

panda! at the national zoo (dc)

this is back from feb w/ angie, btw. on the way there...

DAD.let the cuteness begin. vomiting b/c of cuteness overload is completely optional. but recommended.

blogger is weird and is making the last photo really big.

me (8:34:47 PM): yeaaa let's go to the zoo! before i go to lame school
irene (8:36:13 PM): haha you are totally going to start telling people you just started 'lame school' to be a 'lamer'
me (8:37:25 PM): i should
me (8:37:26 PM): hahah
irene (8:39:20 PM): hi im mao and i'm in lame school. i'd really like to do entertainment lame.

baby panda climbs tree: when i get back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to the pandas. you better be careful about using lame vs. law otherwise you might say it at some inappropriate time. haha.