Saturday, April 26, 2008

i don't sleep much anymore, and i'm so tired all the time

wahwahwahhh i know, the whining never stops. so deal.

this summer will be my last proper summer vacay. evs. next summer, i graduate (well.. hopefully), study for le bar, pass le bar (well.. hopefully). maybe travel (i've never been to europe- how uncultured am i?). then i get to work for the rest of my life, like you normal folk. ah, the life of a student. or an academic. whatev.

so much to do. i mean, even after i finish this sem. there's too little time in this world to accomplish all the things i make lists for. also need to save monies and see friends. see shows. disneyland. haircut. photos. i think surrounding yourself w/ positive energy is important, even though that might seem contradictory w/ all the things i complain about. but that's what i do. complain, dispel, i feel better. repeat process as necessary. (the fact that other people don't feel as good, hearing my complaints, is irrelevant haHA)

if you like LOST, read my friend's blog: the url pretty much says it all.

it's incredibly nice out here (rather warm, really). i don't feel as bad about not going to coachella since a) that's impossible; b) i'd probably have a heat stroke of some sort; c) i'll probably start hallucinating (non-substance induced, please) my outlines again. good times.

summer awaits.

1 comment:

Angela Lucier said...

Um. Can I go to Europe with you???