Thursday, March 22, 2007

this distant life

first things first, will tell photos from the troub (and only 3 of the oohlas.. bad lighting. srry) posted here.

e and i decided to be crazy yesterday and catch the oohlas (playing on the mainstage @ knitting factory) and then get back loretta (playing in the alterknit @ knitting factory). set times worked out perfectly.

arrived a little before the oohlas started playing, e spotted irene.. and then trent. i'm totally blind. still. i blame it on the fact that i didn't have my glasses on. so much fun during their set.. we had the oohlas superfans in front of us (alas, no cowbell that night) and trent dancing aotp. photos aotp by all of us.

gbl was great, obvi. idk how they crammed themselves onto that tiny stage without wiping each other out, but they did. kevin did his piano-dance and i lolzed. i actually danced and danced and danced and danced (hgb style) and apparently some dude from POD was there. interesting. they covered paranoid android and it was LOVELY. really gorg.

the oohlas photos posted here; below are a few of my faves: the lighting wasn't exactly conducive to movement.. so i decided to mess around with my color and aperture settings, since i never do it. kind of makes you dizzy if you stare too long, but rad.

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