Tuesday, July 24, 2007

lolz on the newz

jay of jack's mannequin talks a lot. also has an accent.

wooo the newz!

also apparently really really likes the deadly syndrome & the newz, as evidenced in the clip/teaser on the frontpage rehearsals.com (click on "what's hot"). <-- probably the best clip of jay speaking. ever. in history. trust me.

speaking of tds, they're touring with hot hot heat (though, not exactly near LA.. grrr):

i saw tds at spaceland and they were so good i nearly fainted. that's a half truth.. they were good but i fainted for other health related reasons. how annoying. anyway, i'll see them @ revenge at the sunset strip on 8/30 at the roxy, hopefully with less bad annoying bodily reactions. hah

i'm going to finish listening to avril lavigne now. HOT!

1 comment:

Angela Lucier said...

Probably the ONLY clip of jay speaking ever? haha
