Sunday, December 24, 2006

holidaze: when it's all over, i'll come back for another year

hello my BBs,
first things first: i'd like to mention that i saw elijah wood today, at santa monica place (aka the mall connected to the promenade). he walked past me in the food court, while i was sitting with mi madre. that was awes. i explained to my mom "it's the short guy in the lord of the rings movie, the one with the blue eyes." he was looking pretty cute! and i don't even have a thing for hobbits.

i'm going to work on my backlogged photos this week, so hopefully that'll work out and i'll have some posted (i.e. panicccc photos at the disco!). i also get to look for a summer internship. w00t.

also, we deco'd cookies at e and shelby's on saturday and ryro and the long-lost rosevest made an appearance. we had a photoshoot.

and in case you were living in a cave, jack's mannequin has pressie for yall: links to d/l the trax are in the comments here.

stay safe, xox.


Anonymous said...

can i hug that cookie?

xmaox said...

yaa i haven't eaten him yet! ryrocookie loves hugs.

e said...

This gives the phrase, "He's so cute I could eat him up!" a whole new meaning.